Friday, May 12, 2006

Mr. "ARRGH" will be our guest for a while...

We decided to suck it up and call the landlord and lady, tell them the latest proof that the upstairs people really need to be sent inpatient, and that we need a mediation. So mediation is tomorrow night with the landlady at a local restaurant- she wanted to do it at a park or something in case it got ugly, but it's going to rain so we're bringing popcorn and Reese's for the indoor scene that just might happen. Hopefully it won't happen that way, we will come to some sort of agreement about keeping the music and other noise down and not touching our property without permission and not smoking in the hall (too bad we can't stick in a clause about her taking her meds), and then everybody (meaning they) have to stick to it for 30 days. Then, if anyone can't stick to it, we have to try to decide who will move out. Then, if we can't decide, the landlords decide who moves. And they like us and we're good tenants and the upstairs folks paid the rent late last month (and I feel bad they're having a hard time with the rent, but still) so I think we'd get to stay. All of this will probably entail lots of loudness and annoyingness and psycho behaviors and maybe some threats spelled out in magazine clippings, but I really hope I'm wrong. Yay for wrong! And wish us luck at mediation.

1 comment:

Trista said...

Good Luck, I think you've done the right thing!