Friday, June 23, 2006

Now I'm really worried.

About the lone straight couple at our foster-parent-training class. Remember a few posts ago where I was worried about dealing with homophobic crap at the class and then we got there and 3 out of 4 couples are same-sex couples? Well, last night was the second-to-last class, called "Panel Night" where a panel of important voices was brought in to talk to us. I was killing myself trying not to laugh- the presenter on multicultural issues in foster care- lesbian. The Family Resource Liason- lesbian. The foster teen- queer. 3 out of 6 presenters. Wow. I really, really, really love the Happy Valley. And I feel really, really bad for that poor unsuspecting straight couple. The multicultural-issues presenter had said something earlier in the night about how we as foster parents who will probably foster children from different cultures than our own, should make a point to go out and "have a minority experience", for example by going to a service at an all-black church in the area or other event at which we would be a minority- just to get a sense of that feeling. So later, the leader of the class said something about same-sex couples in the class, and the straight guy was joking, "so, does this count for my minority experience?" We all had a good laugh. Yes, my friend, yes it does.

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