Thursday, March 02, 2006


Oh man, certain of my friends are so going to make me eat my words when they hear about this. While slogging my way through my last semester of my BA last fall, I swore up and down that I was not going to grad school, at least not for a really long time. I hated all that "gen ed" crap, the giant UMass classes, the pointless exercizes for clueless TAs, and all the other useless elements of standardized American education. It was like I had a podium with me every time we went out because some friend would inevitably ask me when I was going to grad school. I think I just really hated everybody asking me about it all the time, because my credit load was so big with so much work to do, and I couldn't wait for a breather (the opposite of what everybody seemed to want to talk about). And this new job thing was going along very well for several weeks, immersing myself in the underpaid and underappreciated world of social work. Until a couple of days ago, when lo and behold that first thought of grad school wormed its way up to the surface of my consciousness. This of course is going to be seriously under wraps from the high-pressure parents and the going-to-laugh-their-asses-off friends for as long as possible. Especially as this program is not just one degree, but two. Go figure. Ok, it's now time to dance around to Katastrophe and purge myself of the conformity of it all. And when Dad hears about this I'm going to have to immediately do something to really piss him off- maybe I'll let the sperm out of the bag then, too... ;)

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