I'm only 24! Just kidding- I love my Mom. And I loved our trial run at the hair salon on Saturday. Others seem not to agree with me, but when I looked in the mirror I really saw a lot of my mom when she was my age. Which was really nice, because usually I resemble my Dad a lot, and he's not a bad looking guy but I'd rather look like Mom. I wish I had a scanner so I could post a picture of her from her wedding. J doesn't know what I mean because she's not as familiar with those old photos, but I do agree with her thought- it's quite Marilyn, no? Squee!
And thank you to my wonderful sister! We loved our shower on Sunday! The decorations were really cute, complete with shiny plastic tiaras, and the food and gifts were lovely. After all of the Maid-of-Honor work, organizing and hosting our shower, making our wedding cake, and hosting 4 wedding guests at her home, my sister went even further- all these are more than gift enough, but she gave us our first set of matching, non-bungee-cord-held-together dining chairs! Woo hoo! Our guests can now stop worrying about their safety every time they sit down! Yay! And they're gorgeous!
Yesterday we met with our minister again and finalized most of the ceremony. We have most of the RSVPs in. Today we went to City Hall and applied for a marriage license which we can pick up Friday, and I am officially set to change my name! Holy cow! And J's parents are coming to stay with us Sunday. Now there are programs to design and print, a seating chart to create, a final food count to give to the Brewery, placecards and table markers to make, J's dress to fix, J's shoes to find (yikes), she's got vows to write, final decorations to find and make, wedding-day schedule to make, duties to delegate, preparations to make for getting a civil union in Vermont, honeymoon to pack for, on and on. Whee!
Looking good! And definitely a bit Marilyn-esque.
Sounds like a busy 12 days ahead of you, but I'm sure that it's all going to be utterly fabulous :o)
You look gorgeous!
You look fantastic... and, huh - you live in western mass but are getting a civil union in vt???
Yes- we're getting married in Mass, but Vermont won't recognize a same-sex marriage from here, so we're going for the civil union thing there in order to be protected whenever we travel there as well as at home. Ditto for Connecticut. -Kate-
Oh, and thanks! -Kate-
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